James Johnson

Hello fellow Lego community! My name is James and I am the founder of Olympia BrickStock LLC. I was born and raised here in the great pacific northwest (PNW), and have developed a love and passion for the area and local communities. I graduated highschool with a GED and went on to achieve an AA focused in business administration, along with two BA’s focused on social entrepreneurship, non-profit organization, and human-centered business model design.

I was raised during a time when early childhood developmental hurdles like ADHD, and Bipolar disorder etc. were not understood very well, and hence many kids like myself struggled immensely growing up. Mental health awareness was just starting to take shape, and the importance for identifying and intervening early on in development was just beginning to be understood. Many, like myself, were essentially guinea pigs while effective treatment options were being discovered. Now times have changed and these conditions are better understood. Through my own experiences I have found that medications are not very effective alone. There are two aspects to be considered, one is chemical and the other is behavioral. Not to say medication is ineffective, but learning healthy coping mechanisms to navigate life has proven to be more effective than any pill alone has ever been. Sometimes you don't need a new hand in life, just a better strategy at playing the cards you've been dealt. 

Lego products have, and always will be, a means to an end. Through the medium of Lego, Olympia BrickStock looks to help people of all age groups navigate through life, learning new skills and strategies while having fun and producing art. As a father of two boys I have witnessed firsthand how effective using Lego to teach important life skills can be. In short, over the past three years of research and development for the business, I have yet to find the end to the list of possibilities. With the cost of living so high, and the bottlenecked and slow avenues of help that are available to the middle and low-income classes, easily accessible and affordable options are needed. This is where we fit in. Through our community engagement, products and services, Olympia BrickStock LLC looks to “build a brighter future, one brick at a time.”

Crystal Hearitige

Hey Y’all My name is Crystal! At the age of 5 I was adopted (along with my younger sister) by a loving family and began calling the beautiful PNW my home. After graduating from Elma highschool (2008) I began the journey of learning who I am and where I fit in the world. Through many mistakes and learned lessons, I found my passion in the field of mental wellness and empowering others; especially those navigating their way through the American judicial system. At the age of 28 I decided to focus on my education. I have since graduated with an AA from South Puget Sound Community college and a BA from The Evergreen State College. My primary academic focus has been in psychology and transformative leadership. As a lifelong learner I will continue my education within these fields in the future. 

I met James in 2019 while we were both studying at South Puget Sound Community College and a friendship quickly blossomed. When the world slowed down in 2020 due to the pandemic, I found myself with more time to self-reflect and focused on going through therapy for anxiety, depression and CPTSD. Between 2020-22 I had the opportunity to emotionally heal and reduce my need to follow a perfectly laid out life plan. Every success, mistake, and lesson left me open to embracing new opportunities. During the Summer of 2022, James approached me with a business partnership opportunity. Although my only experience with Lego was stepping on bricks YIKES! James’ enthusiasm during that 7 hour long conversation, and my faith in James’ vision of what would become Olympia BrickStock, quickly led me to saying; YES, Let’s do it! Throughout the process of helping build the business and brand, I have become a fan of Lego and have officially built a couple sets! 

When not focusing on our business goals and dreams, I work for The Evergreen State College as a Residential Director. Where I support college residents through compassionate and informed care. I also find joy spending time with James and his beautiful family, baking, meditating, practicing yoga, painting, spending time in nature and when time allows volunteering as a recovery coach for Peer Olympia.  

Chris Coursey

First and foremost, thanks for stopping by! I go by my middle name Chris, and for reasons unknown it remains what everyone calls me. Born in Olympia, Washington I've spent the majority of my life here. I did spend a few years  in Spokane where I attended Spokane Falls Community College. Studied various things, but decided to continue waiting tables as a career. Which I love! In doing so it has taught me many interpersonal skills, and patience with others. Important learning mechanisms that will be brought into Olympia BrickStock LLC.

James Johnson is my cousin by blood, but my brother and best friend foremost. We have lived our whole life picking each other up when we're down, and uplifting each other when we succeed. Though this is his vision, he has inspired me to be a part of something great. Not only for the company, but more importantly the community. His dedication, focus, drive, and enthusiasm for Olympia BrickStock LLC speaks volumes to his character. And I'm excited to be here every step of the way.











